SEO Analysis

SEO analysis is the key to telling your online success.

Continual SEO site analysis tracking for success

We refer to performance measures using all kinds of names: KPI, PI, NPS, lead indicator, lag indicator, customer satisfaction, reviews, index, ROI, CSAT, key figure, to name a few. You track these in your business to know how successful your business is performing. These are necessary elements to determine if there are improvements to be made and they can often point to the cause/solution. An analysis is a part of Search Engine Optimisation Services that an SEO or SEM Company provides.

Likewise, we track metrics from your website such as traffic into your website, links referring to your website, customer duration on the site, where the customer came from, etc. For an SEM company, these metrics are what govern online success.

SEO analytics SEO site checkup

According to SEMrush time spent on a webpage is the 4th most important ranking factor from search engines. This means that if your users are not staying on your website for very long it is likely that the user experience is not up to scratch. If your competitors’ websites are more engaging and users are spending more time on your competitors’ sites, then it’s not hard to see why they are going to rank better in search results.

When you work with Pro Digital Marketing we provide a specific Google Analytics consultant to your website as part of our search engine Optimisation services. They provide you with monthly analytics reports to understand where you are positioned. Our customers find high value in the monthly report as they get more insight about customers and their website navigation. The SEO analysis combined with a meeting to walk through the statistics helps us collaborate in business growth towards the best business direction.


Companies who are trying to make it and succeed in the 21st century need to know that SEO and SEM are both strategies they need. To better explain and understand search engine Optimisation services, we’ve cited some examples below.

1.  Keyword Research

The most essential part of search engine Optimisation services relies solely on knowing the right keywords for your business. This will allow you to target the keywords that mean something in your industry and location. For instance, if you are a catering service in Sydney, your keywords would be words like “best catering service in Sydney” or “catering Sydney”. This goes the same for other industries like an SEM company that specializes in local businesses. Your keywords would be “SEM Gold Coast” or “SEM Perth”

2.  Competitive Analysis

Knowing your competitors in the industry that you are in is a vital part of the business. In fact, this falls under one of the most basic business analysis known as SWOT Analysis. This means knowing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and weaknesses. An SEO/SEM Company can provide you with competitive analysis as one of the search engine Optimisation services. An example would be for an SEM Perth or SEM Gold Coast company to know who other SEM Company is there in the area.

3.  On-Page Optimisation Services

The easiest way for companies to optimize their website for search engines is through website copy and blogs with the right keywords and the right amount. An SEO/SEM company would vary in terms of what search engine Optimisation services to offer. If a company offering SEM Perth or SEM Gold Coast services would want to optimize their website for search engines, the idea is to make sure that the website copy is updated with the right keywords and at the same time blogs with the same qualities but at the same time drive traffic to your website.

4.  Off-Page Optimisation

Off-page Optimisation would refer to link building that would mean allowing your website to rank higher in search results. As an example, an SEO or SEM Company in Perth or other locations like Gold Coast can have articles posted on other websites to talk about SEM Perth Services or SEM Gold Coast Perks.

5.  Website Technical Fixes

Your website is your digital storefront. It pays to make sure that your website is free from any glitches, errors and broken links. An SEO/SEM company can offer you services that will make sure that your first impression to your customers speaks about your brand values, personality and USPs (Unique Selling Proposition). Imagine being an SEM Perth company but having several errors on your website, that won’t translate to a customer inquiry now, would it?

6.  Periodic Reports and Analytics

In business, efforts and strategy results are best reflected through thorough analysis and reports. Since digital marketing strategies involve investment, it would be best to know where your budget is going. This is what you would consider your ROI, return of investment. As another example, if you hire an SEM company to handle your online advertising, it is only fitting to know how many people clicked on your website, how much traffic it brought in and how many interacted with your ad.


Digital marketing means more than just setting up your social media pages and having a website up and running. These channels support your business but it is up to you to optimize them. Fortunately, you do not have to handle this on your own.

There are agencies and companies that you can contact like Pro Digital Marketing to help you make sure that you have your digital marketing efforts down to a tee. As a start, set up the necessary social media pages that make sense to your business and your target audience. Have a website that talks about your brand, show the services or products that you offer, if you’re into e-commerce, you should have a fully functioning online shop.
This means setting up payment methods, automation of emails, tracking details etc. When you have your website, you can work on website copy, meta tags and description, blogs, link building and analytics.